What is pubg custom room ? |How to join pubg mobile custom room ? |
What is pubg custom room ? |How to join pubg mobile custom room ? | |how to enter pubg competitive? | Benefits of pubg room match | how can we earn money from pubg ? | Pubg customs discord link | So nowadays online battle royale games are growing very rapidly and pubg is being playing a huge role in it . So due to growth of audience esports organization from foreign taking part in it . And investing money on player and getting profit from them also . So the main thing is money . They are investing on good player and they select them through the scrims which is known as custom room in other words custom room is a private lobby where you invite those people to play whom you want to play with . How to join pubg room match ? => You can join pubg mobile custom room through discord where every days pubg custom room happen Here are some discord link :- - GGC esports :- https://discord.gg/bFRDmzHzHR Daily T3 scrims for practice with good lobby ...