What is pubg custom room ? |How to join pubg mobile custom room ? |

  What is pubg custom room ? |How to join pubg mobile custom room ? | |how to enter pubg competitive? | Benefits of pubg room match | how can we earn money from pubg ? | Pubg customs discord link |

 So nowadays online battle royale games are growing very rapidly and pubg is being playing a huge role in it . So due to growth of audience esports organization from foreign taking part in it . And investing money on player and getting profit from them also . So the main thing is money .
They are investing on good player and they select them through the scrims which is known as custom room in other words custom room is a private lobby where you invite those people to play whom you want to play with .

How to join pubg room match ?

 => You can join pubg mobile custom room through discord where every days pubg custom room happen 

Here are some discord link :- 

Daily T3 scrims for practice with good lobby 

 - GMR esports 
Daily pubg custom  room T3 scrims 

- young Terminator esports 
Daily pubg custom room T3 scrims 

- REVENGE esports 
Daily  T3 , T2 scrims 

- Reddot esports 
Daily T3 , T2 scrims 

Some big esports discord link for T3 

- Esports network (30000 members )
 Daily T3 scrims you need some qualifications or experience for joining this 
Like if you played tournament before 

- velocity mobile ( 40000 members )
Daily T3 you need some experience like a pubg official tournament 

- global esports 
No requirement any one can register 

Now tier 2 , tier 3 customs are practice custom where you need less requirment like semi finalist of official tournament or winner of unofficial tournament with prize pool of 50000 to 100000 ruppey
In Tier 3 scrim mostly anyone can register on first come first get basis

Now tier 1 scrims discord link 
:- here only champions teams are allowed like scout pubg , mortal gaming , Johnathan and big organization who are finalist of official pubg tournament with lots of prize pool tournament like PMCO , PMGC , PMPL , ESL 

Discord link 

- war mania esports 
T1 scrims to T4 scrims 
You need requirment 
About War mania :- 

War Mania is an National & International Event organizer founded back in 1st November 2019 By Hrishav Bhattacharjee, with the aim to help all the international emerging teams and clans to improve and progress further in their esports career. Our objective is to provide all the top clans and teams of India as well as international countries, the best platform to practice and perform better in all the tournaments by competing with each other. We provide all the Indian and international teams a platform to showcase their gameplay by hosting regular tournaments as well as pro scrims series and underrated scrims.

We are looking forward to organize many more tournaments and leagues in future.

- villager esports 
About villager esports :-
Villager Esports was founded in February, 2019 with the objective to make players aware of the unique opportunity that esports provides to reach highly engaged audience. Authenticity and transparency are one of the important guiding principles for Villager Esports. Villager Esports consists of sensible and committed guys who are capable of organising online and offline tournaments.

- pain elite 
Olny T1 and scrims you need to complete requirment 
About pain elite :-
PAiN Elite Customs (PEC) are competitive customs held on a regular basis featuring some of the finest teams in India and from around the globe.

PEC is divided into 2 tiers with PEC - I being for top seed Indian teams & international teams, while PEC - II being for the emerging teams from India.

Promotion System : Keeping in the mind the lack of opportunities for Tier 2 teams to test their mettle against Tier 1 teams, a promotion system was introduced into PAiN Elite Customs (PEC) from the time of its inception. Under this, two of the top placed teams at the end of a day's 4 matches in PEC - 2 will be given a slot for the next day's PEC - I matches after tallying the points for the day.

PEC - 2 is conducted twice per day in two phases with Group 1 being held at 5:30 PM and Group 2 being held at 10:00 PM. Two matches will be held per group, with the top performer each group getting promoted to PEC - 1 for the following day.

* Benefits of pubg room match

Benefits of pubg room match are you will get experience of competitive so you will get it easier winning chances when you will play tournament and as you know practice makes man perfect 

*  can we earn money from pubg ?.

The answer is yes . Yes you can earn money from pubg by 3 type 
1st by playing paid customs where you need to pay money and participate and if you win you will get prize money 
2nd by playing free tournament from above given discord links or participating in official tournament 

And there thired one if you have so much skills
And after that if you win any official tournament you will get sponsered by any organisation which will pay you for every tournament or matches you win for them 
A avarage sallary of a T1 player is 50000 ruppey 
Thank you for reading 


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